Another use of the LED’s is for bowfishing. The best boat-mounted flounder lights for bowfishing are the 40 watt 2000 K HPS color. This color works well because it helps with the glare that comes from being above water. Those are used as above water lights. For more secure flounder gigging equipment, you can also add the larger 2000K lights in 50, 80, 100, 168 or 336 site in water only.
Jerry’s LED’s can be mounted on a flounder boat. The lights are designed to be used both above and below water level. The best lights used for boat light mounts are the 30 or 40 watt 2000 or 3000K. The above water are mounted on a rail and usually 6-12 lights are mounted depending on the size of the boat. The 30, 80, 100, 168, 336 are mounted below water and used in combination with the above water lights. You can see close and far away in this manner.
Using the boat-mounted flounder lights lights above and below water in conjunction is a great way to attract bait to the boat! In turn, the game fish come around to catch the feast attracted to the boat. The most popular color is green and it is used to attract phytoplankton which is what the bait fish eat and the game fish come in to eat the bait fish. You attract a whole cycle of game to your boat with the lights mounted above and below the water resulting in a great fishing trip.

Another purpose of Jerry’s LED’s flounder gigging equipment is to mount on a rock crawler UTV to see where you are going in the dark. All colors work for this purpose. The animals are generally unaffected by the glare of the lights and you can use the different colors to see the glow of the eyes. Many hunters utilize the lights and flounder gigging gear at night to get after hours work done on a ranch/hunting lease or to varmint hunt when the animals are most active.
The 30 watt LED light is great for hog hunting. Green is the most common color to use because the hogs can’t see it and the hunter can see the area clearly for optimal night/evening hunting.
I have found that some locals use my lights for hunting copperhead snakes from golf carts or side by sides at night. I’ve heard some customers are mounting the lights and flounder gigging equipment on mowers and tractors too.

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